Thursday, April 14, 2011

water water everywhere....

So a couple of weeks ago I officially started Lake's potty training.  Now, being the middle child, the amount of attention I can pay him is scant compared to what I was able to give to Kai.  So the going is slow.  We have progressed just this week from running around the house naked, to having a max of three pairs of underwear a day.  Once they are all wet, we return to running around the house naked.  The problem is that he can't pull the underwear up and down yet, so I have to run over, pull them down, help him sit, then pull them back up when he's finished.  After which, of course, he demands his "emenimenem".  I feel like I'm always holding a nursing or sleeping baby when he is in need of this service.  HOWEVER, I felt like we were getting somewhere when he made it three full hours in one pair of undies yesterday evening.  He was doing well enough today that I put him up for lunch in his underwear instead of switching him to a diaper before eating.  I had just locked him in and turned to the microwave to retrieve his chicken chunks when I hear the unmistakable sound of running water.  Yup, not just a drip, a full on deluge of pee running down his booster and under his chair.  He sheepishly says, "pee pee eminemenenm?"  Ah well, back to diapers for meal times.  

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